• 13 You will tread upon the lion and cobra, The young lion and the serpent you will trample down (Psalms 91:13 NASB)
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Monthly Archives: December 2013

Thoughts from Izmir House of Prayer (IzHOP)

On this 12th (“Government”) day of December, I’m mindful of the thoughts that sprang from the Holy Spirit while leading the Tues (10am) Isaiah 19 prayer set on 3-12-13.

Key Point: The town of Izmir (which is now governmentally over the entire region of the 7 churches) is small compared to the huge (governmental) role of the Izmir House of Prayer! IzHOP, which overlooks Izmir’s seat of government, goes beyond Turkey and is international in scope. (Prophetic Chorus in that set: “It’s a little town of Izmir, and a really big HOP”)

Izmir, sometimes called the “Little Jerusalem” – a place of historical refuge for the Jews, has never lost its candle stick! There has always been a functioning Christian Church in Izmir since the days of John the Apostle who commissioned Polycarp as Bishop of Smyrna. In those days, Ephesus was the 1st of the 7 churches, but now Izmir (Smyrna) is the only one that remains & now has jurisdiction over the entire region of the 7 Churches.

Here are the thoughts & related points that came so strongly that day (3-12-13)

  • Sea-Gate to Sea-Gate: Gibraltar, which is at the gate of the Mediterranean Sea is almost a direct line (through the sea) to Izmir, which on the Aegean Sea, is a gate to the Silk Highway leading into East Asia! The Arch-Bishop of Gibraltar dedicated the historic Izmir Anglican church, where he is now buried. (This Church, part of the British Consulate, was a place of refuge for the Armenian Christians and Jews during the ethnic cleansing after WW1. The Armenian quarter, located near the church, was razed and turned into a Park).
  • The IzHOP role of authority is greater and the corresponding assignment bigger, because the principality is bigger—as it relates to Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Rim. The Pillar of Hercules is in Gibraltar, which is strongly connected to the ancient Phoenicians/(Masons) who had/(have) strongholds in Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus, Turkey, the Middle East and beyond. (These myths often point to a spiritual [2nd heaven] reality—identifying dark spiritual principalities in a specific region). The Holy Spirit is raising up HOPs to take down these strongholds—both regional and international. Izmir is on an international prayer level or scope.
  • The Phoenicians (incl. early masons that affiliate with Solomon’s Temple) were among the 1st civilizations to occupy Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus and parts of Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt & beyond. These principalities continue to form a ‘line of power’ from the Mediterranean & Middle East to East Asia.
  •  Izmir has historically been a place of refuge for both Jews and Christians. The Church in Izmir continued to be a refuge for the Jews and Armenian Christians even during the dark days of the post WW1 ethnic cleansing. IzHOP prayer activities are foundational for establishing regional apostolic authority necessary for sustaining a “City of Refuge.” A City of Refuge is defined as a region known for an “open heaven” where there is continual worship and supernatural encounter—centers of salvation, prosperity, deliverance and healing!
  • The Lee’s were invited & sent to Izmir as an honorable promotion, because of their faithfulness, humility and reputation for building regional unity & loving relationships (between local churches & the HOP in Ankara, Turkey’s Capital). Because of their faithfulness, their scope of authority has increased from national to international. They are already modeling unity between HOP & local churches.


Tim Brock, BUR, Fort Mill, SC 12-12-13

Thoughts from the Prayer Room: Spiritual Revolt

Numbers 7:1—8:4 This is the traditional passage for Hanukah—read universally by all Jews during the celebration of the “Feast of Dedication.” Jesus acknowledged this Feast of Dedication in John 10 (The Good Shepherd passage). 2013 was significant in that US Thanksgiving coincided with Hanukah, which coincides with the Jewish revolt of 165 BC.

Passage Overview: This Passage describes the culminating step in completing the dedication of the Altar of the Tabernacle. The 12 tribal leaders of ‘numbered men’ brought a voluntary offering that was identical: Silver Bowl, Silver Basin, Gold Ladle, Bull, Ram, Lamb & Goat (Also, 2 cattle, 5 rams, 5 sheep & 5 goats).

The traditional Jewish teaching brings out the following key points (Stone Edition pt-765-775):

  • Tribal leaders gathered voluntarily with a single focus of worship, to dedicate the altar in perfect unity with identical gifts. According to tradition, Moses was hesitant at first to receive, but God permitted it, honoring their voluntary offering.
  • The greater anointing comes with the completion of all the parts. The fullness of the anointing comes when all the parts are gathered and working together.
  • The priority of relationships—Each leader was honored, highlighting their identical offerings separately, giving them each a day to present their offerings.
  • Humility—The first “leader” mentioned of the 12, (which is a great honor) was listed first because he humbled himself by not considering or calling himself a leader. He also was the leader of the tribe of Judah, representing praise first.
  • Function—After the dedication, it is implied that the Shekinah glory appeared, and Moses entered the tabernacle for divine encounter to hear the voice of God, inaugurating the divine service and function of the tabernacle.
  • Rekindling of the Menorah—Aaron was charged to light each wick facing toward the center, the 3 on left (temporal activities) and 3 on the right (eternal activities).
  • This was also seen as an allusion to the Jewish revolt in 165—160 BC that led to the rededication of the Temple & rekindling the lamp-stand (supernatural burning)

Applications: Could this be a time to gather voluntarily to rededicate an altar & help rekindle a lamp-stand (Holy Spirit fire & illumination)—a new beginning for personal encounter, fresh expressions of worship & renewing family relationships? Could this also be God’s time for rededication & rekindling in our respective prayer regions & churches, starting a spiritual revolt, rippling nations?

Brock Student Recital at Famous Anglican Church
Mar 16, 2013, Izmir (Smyrna) Turkey
Tim Brock, Brocks Upper Room, 12-5-13